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Assessment requirements

The assignments in this unit are designed to test your background knowledge and understanding of the concepts.

There are various other requirements you must also satisfy before you can be signed off as 'competent' in this unit. These will be determined by the registered training organisation (RTO) you're enrolled with, and may include:

  • practical demonstrations of your on-the-job skills

  • discussions about the way you would do particular jobs and solve common problems

  • reports from your workplace supervisor.

Your trainer will give you more information on what you'll need to do and the timetable for completion.

Help with reading and writing

If you're worried that you might have trouble completing the written assignments due to poor literacy skills, speak to your trainer.

There are various ways your trainer can help. For example, they may be able to ask the assignment questions verbally and help you to write down your answers. They may also be able to show you sample answers to similar questions, which will let you look at the way they're written and give you hints on how to write your own. You may also be allowed to do the assignments with the assistance of another person.

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